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Antibiotics do not distinguish between "good" and "bad" bacteria; they just attack them all

This can affect the balance of microbiota in the intestinal tract, and as a result - to diarrhea.

Of course, at this moment, everyone seeks to support the body and restore the microflora to prevent unwanted consequences and often turns to probiotics, but this is not a very effective strategy.

Our intestines contain millions of different bacteria, and no capsule with beneficial bacteria can compensate for this diversity.

Antibiotics do not destroy all intestinal bacteria - there are too many of them and they multiply quickly. But you spend money on pills in vain, and transfer the responsibility for your microbiota to them, and not to your own diet. And diet is the main thing.

Research shows that our diet is the most effective in supporting the gut microbiota

If you have been prescribed antibiotics, then:

☛ be sure to cook vegetables, fruits and whole grain cereals every time you eat - they are rich in fiber (prebiotic);

☛ eat naturally fermented food (pickled cucumbers and cabbage, sourdough bread) - there are also beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and lactic acid (prebiotic);

☛ drink low-fat yogurts (preferably without added sugars and flavors);

☛ do not forget about kefir, ayran, kombucha - these fermented drinks are also useful (watch the sugar content);

exclude fatty, fried, excessively salty and smoked foods from the diet

limit flour products: cakes, pastries, chips, cookies, white bread.

completely give up alcohol - it also kills bacteria in the intestines and

leads to dysbiosis.

If you take antibiotics for a long time and diarrhea appears, consult the doctor who prescribed the course of antibiotics about your next steps.


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