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During 2022, according to the monitoring of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 5 cases of botulism were registered.

Lviv - 2

Chervonograd - 1

· with. Suhovolya, Lviv district - 1

resident of the Rivne region - 1.

2 cases were laboratory confirmed. It was not possible to save 1 patient out of 5.

In 5 cases, the cause of the disease was the use of:

smoked fish - 1

Salted fish - 1

home-made canned meat - 3.

In 2021, 7 cases of botulism were registered.

Botulism is an acute toxic infection caused by the bacillus Clostridium botulinum and its toxin, which can be contained in improperly prepared and stored canned goods.

Virtually all food products contaminated with soil or intestinal contents of animals, birds, and fish may contain spores or vegetative forms of botulism pathogens. However, the disease can occur only when using those that have been stored under anaerobic (without oxygen) or close to anaerobic conditions without prior heat treatment. It can be canned food, especially homemade, smoked, dried meat, mushroom and fish products. Diseases associated with the use of canned goods for home canning are most often registered.

During martial law, the consumption of canned goods increases, therefore:

When home canning, especially vegetables that contain little natural acid, it is necessary to add acetic and citric acids according to the recipe, because the causative agent of botulism does not like an acidic environment.

It is important to sterilize jars and lids well immediately before placing products in them.

When canning at home, especially meat and fish products, it is necessary to carry out tyndalization (for two days, heat at a temperature of 100°C for 5 minutes for the transition of spores into a vegetative form), after which sterilize canned goods at a temperature of 100°C for at least 40 - 60 minutes followed by their hermetic packaging.

The safest canning is provided by the AUTOCLAVE!

The slightest swelling of the lid is a reason for a categorical refusal to eat the contents of this can.

Before using homemade preserves, you should:

Boil the contents of the jar for at least 10 minutes or fry for 10 minutes or immerse the contents of the jar in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10 minutes!

The main symptoms of botulism:

Double vision, impaired vision, a "net" in front of the eyes, muscle weakness, impaired speech, impaired swallowing, and possible breathing impairment.

If symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a medical professional! Lviv Lab Center Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine


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