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"Catch-up vaccination" of children against measles, mumps and rubella continues in Lviv region

On the eve of the school year, parents are encouraged to check the vaccination status of their children and make up for missed vaccinations. After all, one child who has measles can infect 7-9 children who do not have immunity. And during the war, the probability of the outbreak of many infectious diseases increases.

As a reminder, children under the age of 6 should receive one dose of the vaccine. After 6 - a second. If a six-year-old child does not have any vaccinations, two vaccinations are given with an interval of one month. More than 28,000 doses of the combined vaccine have already been delivered to the Lviv region for all those who wish.

Vaccination can be done at one of 162 points in our region.

List of addresses

Where access to stationary points is difficult or impossible, mobile teams work. They also vaccinate children who cannot move independently due to health conditions and organized groups (educational institutions, children's health camps, etc.).

To call a mobile vaccination team, you need to leave a request by calling the regional coordinator - (068) 706 51 30.


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