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"City of Health" in Truskavets. We summarize the results

For the third year, traditionally on July 28, the World Day of Combating Viral Hepatitis, the team of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health is going to Truskavets.

Purpose: to inform about viral hepatitis, risks, ways of transmission, diagnosis and prevention.

Information is a weapon against the treachery of hepatitis.

Every 10th DOESN'T KNOW they have hepatitis C! That is why knowledge, diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment are important!

Specialists of the Center talked about the morbidity in the Lviv region and the possibilities of modern diagnostics and treatment.

Everyone who visited the "City of Health" in Truskavets had the opportunity to undergo free and anonymous rapid testing for viral hepatitis B, C, HIV and syphilis. In addition, measure the pressure, find out the level of sugar in the blood.

Specialists tested 72 people in three hours.

Of these, five tested positive for hepatitis C, two tested positive for hepatitis B. 1 tested positive for HIV.

Syphilis was not detected in anyone who was examined.

All get recommendations from doctors on how to proceed to overcome the infection.

During the campaign, doctors conducted preventive examinations and provided recommendations on healthy eating, hand hygiene, prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

During the campaign, 89 people had their body mass index calculated, and 100 people had their blood pressure measured. 90 people learned about their sugar level.

20 people were vaccinated against infections.

The event was held with the support of the Truskavets City Council, the head of the City Council Andrii Kulchytskyi, the Drogobytskyi District Department of the Center, the testing was conducted by AHF UKRAINE specialists


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