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Diabetes. How not to miss the disease

Modern advances in medicine allow diabetes patients to fully live, work and lead an active lifestyle! It is worth knowing what causes the disease, its first signs and how not to get diabetes.

Diabetes is one of the three diseases that most often cause disability and death, along with atherosclerosis and cancer.

According to the WHO, almost 42 million people suffer from diabetes in the world, 1.3 million people in Ukraine, and more than 65 thousand patients in the Lviv Region.

The disease is manifested by a long-term increase in the level of glucose in the blood. Diabetes can lead to serious diseases of blood vessels, heart, eyes, kidneys and nerves.

Diabetes risk factors:

Ø hereditary predisposition

Ø overweight or obesity

Ø Violation of carbohydrate metabolism

Ø sedentary lifestyle

Ø chronic stress

Symptoms of diabetes:

increased thirst, dry mouth

weakness, constant feeling of fatigue

decreased visual acuity, "blurred vision"

numbness of the limbs, tingling in the hands and feet

slow healing of cuts and ulcers

sudden loss of body weight


What to do in order not to get diabetes?

1. Move more! Maintain daily physical activity.

☛ Regular exercise will help you lose excess weight, lower blood sugar, and increase the body's sensitivity to insulin absorption.

2. Follow the principles of healthy eating.

☛ The diet should include foods with a low fat content, more plant foods (vegetables, fruits, nuts); whole grain products rich in fiber (wholemeal bread, pasta, oats, barley, etc.); chocolate with high cocoa content or chocolate with fruit filling.

☛ Diet: 4-5 meals a day, and in small portions.

☛ Avoid refined carbohydrates and limit the use of sugar and salt. Recommended rate: sugar - no more than 50 g, salt - up to 5 g per day.

3. Monitor your body weight.

☛ Measure body mass index (BMI). The indicator is normally less than 25.

☛ If you are obese or overweight, the risk of developing diabetes increases.

4. Give up smoking and alcohol.

☛ Smoking can lead to high blood sugar, increased insulin resistance and the risk of developing diabetes. Excessive alcohol consumption also affects the risk of developing the disease.

5. Visit a family doctor.

☛ Periodically conduct blood and urine tests, check the blood sugar level (normal range: 3.89-5.83).

Halyna Savchenko - doctor of the department of epidemiologic surveillance (observation) and prevention of non-infectious diseases of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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