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How to prevent infection in a healthcare facility?

With the assistance of the WHO and the NGO "Infection Control in Ukraine", five health care institutions of Lviv region received a training on the implementation of measures to prevent infections associated with the provision of medical care (HCI).

The main modern approaches, international guidelines and national legislation regarding the organization of infection control measures in healthcare facilities were discussed.

Improved theoretical and practical knowledge regarding epidemiological surveillance of IPNMD.

Why exactly IPNMD?

this is an infection that is absent during admission to a medical institution and occurs in a patient during treatment or after discharge from a hospital

75% of cases of IPNMD are caused by microorganisms with resistance (resistance) to antibiotics

according to the WHO, every tenth patient gets infected while receiving medical care in hospital conditions

PNMDs affect the increase of lost years of quality life for the patient

lead to an increase in the duration of treatment and hospitalization, an increase in the mortality rate

Systematic compliance with infection control measures in health care facilities, combined with an effective system of epidemiological surveillance, will prevent and reduce the spread of IPNMD and will influence the improvement of the quality of providing medical services to patients.

We thank WHO and NGO "Infection Control in Ukraine" and we want more!


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