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Iodine and weight loss

With iodine deficiency in the body, the level of thyroid hormones decreases and this, among other things, provokes weight gain.

According to WHO estimates, more than 1 billion people in the world are overweight. This problem is relevant regardless of social and professional affiliation, area of residence, age and gender.

In economically developed countries, almost 50% of the population is overweight, of which 30% are obese.

In Ukraine, on average, 20% of people of working age are obese and 25% are overweight.

The fact that the number of children and adolescents suffering from obesity is increasing every year is of particular concern. Statistics show that at least 2.8 million people die every year as a result of being overweight or obese. WHO considers obesity a global epidemic affecting millions of people.

There are many causes of obesity and one of them is iodine deficiency in the body

Many people count every calorie they eat, go to the gym regularly, restrict themselves in food, but can't lose weight.

Nutritionists say that this may be due to a deficiency of the mineral iodine in the diet, which is extremely necessary for a healthy metabolism, that is, the process of metabolism in the body and burning of calories.

Among the characteristic signs of this deficiency: puffiness, impaired memory and hearing, lack of energy, impaired thyroid function, water retention in the body, impaired sleep, brittle nails, hair loss, stunted growth in children, and a number of others.

With iodine deficiency in the body, the level of thyroid hormones decreases and this, among other things, provokes weight gain. There can be many causes of iodine deficiency. In any case, this deficit must be filled, and it is not so difficult to do it.

You should eat more dairy products, fish and seafood, seaweed, and eggs. Among the sources of iodine of plant origin can be noted prunes, beans, whole grains, vegetables (potatoes, radishes, garlic, beets, tomatoes, eggplants, asparagus, green onions, sorrel, spinach), fruits (cranberries, bananas, oranges, lemons, melons, persimmons ), walnuts. An important source of iodine intake is the use of iodized salt.

You can take food supplements with iodine, but their choice must be made on the advice of a specialist.

Take into account our advice and be healthy!


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