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Sometimes a small initiative becomes the impetus for big changes!

Employees of the Yavoriv District Department of the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine underwent an examination before World Heart Day and became blood DONORS in the blood transfusion center at the Yavoriv Central District Hospital.

The main function of the heart is to ensure the movement of blood due to contractions of the heart muscle. The heart pumps blood through the vessels of the body, providing nourishment and respiration to the tissues.

Blood donation is another line of defense of Ukraine, because each donor can save two or three people.

Blood is always needed in hospitals, and the war only exacerbated this need. Hundreds of people seek medical help every day, so hospitals have a constant need for blood supplies.

We are very proud of our colleagues who made their invaluable contribution to a good cause.

Donating allows you not only to help others, but also to worry about your own health.

The employees of the Yavoriv city council adopted our example and are already preparing for the next blood donation.

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