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There are a number of good reasons to vaccinate a child against measles

Cases of measles are registered in Ukraine, a dangerous disease that spreads extremely rapidly and can have serious consequences for health.

Before the introduction of measles vaccines in 1963, about 2.6 million people died annually in the world.

Vaccination against measles has been carried out for more than 50 years. To protect against the disease, children need to receive 2 doses of the vaccine.

According to the vaccination calendar of Ukraine, the first vaccination is given at 12 months and the second vaccination is given at 6 years.

If your child does not have scheduled measles vaccinations, they must be caught up as soon as possible.

There are a number of good reasons for this:

1. Measles is one of the most contagious infections known in the world. 9 out of 10 unvaccinated people who come in contact with the sick person also become infected. You can catch the disease anywhere - in a summer camp, kindergarten, bomb shelter, public transport.

2. Measles outbreaks are cyclical and occur in Ukraine every 4-5 years. The previous one was in 2017-2019. One of the reasons for this is insufficient vaccination coverage.

3. Measles has serious complications. The disease can lead to pneumonia, ear infections, inflammation of the brain, and disability and death.

4. The measles virus suppresses the immunity of an infected person for several months or even years, causing "immune amnesia." This makes a person more vulnerable to other infections.

5. There is no specific treatment against measles. The only reliable protection against this disease is vaccination.

Measles vaccinations are safe, effective and free of charge.

Vaccinate your child on time, and if you missed a vaccination, make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. There is a vaccine!

Source: Ministry of Health


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