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Vaccination of children against measles

A nationwide campaign for "catch-up vaccination" against measles is underway for children who, due to a change of residence, temporary travel abroad or other circumstances, missed scheduled vaccinations.

In general, more than 260,000 children need to be vaccinated against measles during the vaccination campaign. These are children aged 2 to 16 years.

One child who has measles can infect 7-9 children who do not have immunity.

Vaccination against measles is carried out in all regions of the country. You can vaccinate the child and check the vaccination status at the family doctor.

The PDA vaccine is multi-component, it protects against three infections at once: measles, mumps, and rubella. Therefore, vaccination with two doses will form a full-fledged immunity against these three types of infectious diseases.

As a reminder, children under the age of 6 should receive one dose of the vaccine. After 6 - the second. If a six-year-old child does not have any vaccinations, two vaccinations are given with an interval of one month.

Source: Ministry of Health


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