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Vegetables and fruits as food

Today, the Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine will talk about vegetables and fruits as a food product.

Different vegetables differ among themselves in the content of useful nutrients, so it is important to consume a variety of them every day.

 Vegetables do not contain a lot of calories (with the exception of

starches - potatoes and others), have a high content of dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids.

 The target level of vegetable consumption is more than 300 g per day or 4-5 servings of 75 g each.

 Potatoes are not included in this recommended amount of vegetables. It is a component of a healthy diet, but should not significantly replace other vegetables that contain more dietary fiber.

 Studies conducted in various countries of the world report significantly lower levels of vegetable consumption by men compared to women. Therefore, men should consume more of a variety of vegetables.

 Vegetable juice cannot be considered an equivalent substitute for whole vegetables. Juice contains much less dietary fiber, with the same number of calories, the satiety from juice consumption is not complete.

 The recommended level of consumption of legumes (beans, peas, lentils) is about one serving per day, which is equal to 75 g of dry beans.

Legume dishes can be interchangeably replaced with vegetable or cereal side dishes.

 The target level of consumption of fruits and berries is 300 g per day or two portions of 150 g per day.

 Fruit juice is also not a complete substitute for whole fruits. Its amount should be limited to no more than 200 ml per day.

 Frozen, canned and dried vegetables, fruits and berries are an acceptable alternative to fresh and slightly inferior to the latter in terms of nutritional value

An example of a corresponding quantity

one serving size

Vegetables 75 g of cooked green vegetables

75 g of cooked orange vegetables

75 g of cooked, dry or

canned beans and lentils

75 g of starchy vegetables - ½ medium


75 g of leafy vegetables

75 g or medium-sized tomatoes

Fruits 150 g or medium-sized fruits

(apple, pear, banana, orange)

150 g or two small fruits

(apricot, plum, kiwi)

150 g of compote or canned fruit

30 g of dried fruit

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