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What are the dangers of alcohol consumption?

In the world, according to the latest data, between 1990 and 2017, global annual alcohol consumption increased from 5.9 to 6.5 liters per person among adults.

According to the researchers' forecasts, by 2030 this level will only increase - up to 7.6 liters per person.

In 2007, 20% of adults regularly drank large amounts of alcohol, and this figure will increase to 23% in 2030.


Large volumes - it refers to the use by the drinker within 30 days

at least once 60 g of pure alcohol.

A drinker refers to a person who has consumed any alcohol in any quantity during the past 12 months.

Direct and indirect economic losses due to alcoholization of the population cause significant damage to the socio-economic development of countries.

Economic losses include:

increased mortality rate,

shortening the duration of a healthy life,

medical expenses,

social benefits of the state to the disabled, orphans.

Additional expenses — damages from road accidents, fires, maintenance of prisoners, fight against homelessness, etc.

According to WHO:

alcohol abuse is one factor that causes more than 200

diseases and injuries;

worldwide, 3 million deaths occur each year as a result of harmful

drinking alcohol This represents 5.3% of all deaths;

a total of 5.1% of the global burden of disease and injury is attributable to alcohol, if

measure it in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs);

in addition to health consequences, harmful use of alcohol causes significant social and

economic damage to individuals and society as a whole;

alcohol consumption causes death and disability at an earlier age. About

13.5% of all deaths among persons aged 20–39 are related to alcohol;

there is a causal relationship between harmful alcohol use and a number of

mental and behavioral disorders, other non-infectious conditions and injuries.

A global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, agreed

by WHO member states, reflects the international consensus that

reduction of harmful alcohol use and related medical and

social burden is a priority of public health care.

There is no safe dose of alcohol!

Oksana Kuninets

Railway Transport Department of the Lviv State Medical Center of the Ministry of Health


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