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One of the most important factors affecting the health of our children is, without a doubt, proper and balanced nutrition. Everyone knows that breakfast is the basis of a healthy daily diet. Children who receive a full, healthy breakfast in the morning learn and develop better than their peers who limit themselves to a sandwich with tea.

The morning meal serves as an impetus after a long sleep for the body to get to work, get a charge of vigor, excellent well-being and even good grades, since nutrients will have a positive effect on brain activity. Schoolchildren who are full in the morning study better, concentrate faster and have more energy.

According to statistics, almost 70% of Ukrainian schoolchildren eat sandwiches with butter, cheese or sausage for breakfast; 10% - eat only a boiled egg in the morning; 4% - they usually have scrambled eggs for breakfast; 1% - eat porridge in the morning and 15% - most often run out of the house without breakfast.

In order for the child to get used to eating breakfast at home with pleasure and to go to school full, full of strength and energy, it is important for parents to remember:


Breakfast dishes should not be difficult to prepare, but should be prepared from high-quality and nutritious products so that it is tasty and interesting to eat. Set a positive example and turn breakfast into a good tradition, when the family gathers at the common table, shares plans for the coming day.


When making a menu for a child 6-12 years old, it is worth knowing the number of calories necessary for consumption at this age. Taking into account the daily mental and physical activity, energy costs for the functioning of all organs and systems, and emotional stress, a schoolchild of the younger grades should receive 2000-2400 kcal with food. Moreover, breakfast must be filling (up to 25% of the daily caloric intake), tasty and varied. The portion for breakfast should be small (5-6 tablespoons). The basis of breakfast should be carbohydrates (cereals, durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread, cereal breads, honey), which lighten the mental load. A child's body needs calcium (dairy products) for growth. Proteins (eggs, cheese, steamed fish) accelerate mental processes and increase mental capacity. In order for the child to have a good memory, it is necessary to take care of the presence of B vitamins in food (walnuts, carrots). To reduce rapid fatigue and replenish iron deficiency in the body, it is important to add apples and/or dried fruits to breakfast. At the same time, do not offer fast carbohydrates for breakfast in the form of candies, cookies, rolls - they will only deceive the body and will not bring any benefit.

Diversify the taste of the child, try not to repeat the morning set of products for one week.


It is necessary to include the so-called lunch in the children's diet. This is a light snack, most often a long break after the second or third lesson is calculated for it. It is important that the "lunch box" is prepared by mother's hands. Lunch should include a bun with butter and a slice of boiled or baked meat with a leaf of green salad or other vegetables. You can add seasonal fruits, seasonal fruits, waffles, marshmallows, a small portion of waffles, marshmallows, dark chocolate, etc. can become.

According to psychologists, this snack contains not only a source of strength and energy, but also a psychological foundation that will remind the child of home and warm his mind.


· Milk and dairy products. Proteins are indispensable substances for building a child's body. School-age children should eat milk, butter and sour cream every day.

· Polyunsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are an irreplaceable source of energy and structural components of nerve tissue, retina and cell membranes.

· Eggs. It is recommended to eat once a day for breakfast as a source of nutrients.

· Fruits and vegetables, rich in fiber and vitamins, contribute to energy production and improve digestion.

Porridge, potatoes and pasta from durum wheat with their complex carbohydrates contribute to the proper development of the growing body.


Food should provide children with the necessary amount of energy for motor and psychological development processes.

The composition of food must be balanced in terms of chemical composition: the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

· The diet should be diversified so that the child receives the necessary content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Make sure the child drinks enough water throughout the day. Children should be reminded to drink because they are not good at distinguishing the body's signals about thirst. The optimal volume of drinking should be -1.5 liters, but it depends on the level of physical activity, air temperature, etc.

· It is necessary to follow the technology of preparing ready-made dishes and monitor the expiration dates.

· If the child has gluten intolerance if you have lactose intolerance or any allergic reaction, you should carefully select dishes, taking into account the doctor's advice.

Examples of optimal breakfast options:

Omelet of 1-2 eggs with milk, steamed, with greens and vegetables, a sandwich made of whole grain bread with butter with a fat content of at least 82.5%.

Oatmeal, rice or semolina porridge (can be with milk) with chopped nuts and an apple or pear.

· The best drinks for breakfast are diluted juice, herbal tea, or tea with milk, cocoa with milk, or liquid yogurt. The volume of a portion of a drink for breakfast should not exceed 150-200 g. At the same time, the child should not be taught to drink food with water, which slows down the digestion process.

If the child's nutrition is properly organized from the first days of school, it will help him adapt to the school process more easily and lay the foundations for good health for the following years.

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