It is after the Christmas and New Year holidays that, unfortunately, there are more patients in the infectious disease departments, in particular, there are many children among them.
This is due to an increase in the number of food poisoning and acute intestinal infections associated with the consumption of low-quality food products.
What to do to avoid food poisoning:
☛ do not leave food from the festive table for consumption on the following days, especially if there is no refrigerator;
☛ in the refrigerator, store food and products in separate containers with lids, observing the rules of the so-called "commodity proximity" (it is important to avoid having raw products and ready-made foods nearby).
Ready-made dishes must be consumed fresh, stored for no more than 2 hours (especially salads) at a temperature of 2-6°C or, if the dish was prepared in advance, it should be boiled, fried, etc. before consumption. Ready-made seasoned dishes cannot be stored, they must be seasoned before consumption.
Do not allow the consumption of products in case of expiration date or if there is the slightest suspicion about their quality.
Especially dangerous is botulism, which occurs when eating products that contain poisonous substances (toxins) produced by botulism bacteria.
On holidays, the cause of botulism is most often home-canned meat, fish, less often - vegetables, especially mushrooms.
All canned foods that have been poorly washed, improperly/insufficiently heat treated, transported or stored improperly are potentially dangerous. The most common cause of botulism is dried or smoked home-made products.
☛ do not eat canned goods with bombage or if there is a suspicion of spoilage;
☛ do not buy smoked, salted and dried fish at natural markets, other products that were made at home;
☛ when buying industrially produced dried and dried fish, even in trade establishments, pay attention to its appearance, storage conditions, presence of markings indicating the date of manufacture and expiration date.
Carefully approach the choice of food products.
In retail chains, promotions are held with big discounts on food products that have not sold out for the holidays, which is very attractive to buyers. It is during this period that most sellers try to sell off products whose sales period is expiring.
Therefore, carefully check the expiration date of food products, the presence of stickers, the integrity of the packaging, and the appearance.
Remember, every buyer has the right to demand from the seller documents confirming the quality and safety of food products.
Carefully check the conditions of delivery of ready-made food, so that, for example, "sushi" and insect repellent are not delivered to you in the same bag.
If you order delivery of ready-made food, it is better to use the services of a proven manufacturer.
Wash towels, cloths, napkins and tablecloths regularly and let them dry well before using them again. Dirty wet fabrics are an ideal place for germs to breed. It is better to use disposable paper towels in the kitchen.
Do not throw away leftover products that could cause poisoning. The results of the laboratory tests of the food you ate will help doctors quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Remember: preventing food poisoning is much easier than treating it!