Extreme heat has returned to Ukraine, which means that health risks are increasing.
If your loved ones are at risk, ask if they are drinking enough water or if they need help. Stay in touch with those who may be at risk of heat-related illness, and inquire more often about how they are doing.
How to prevent health deterioration?
Avoid being outside during the hottest hours (from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
Try to spend as much time as possible in an air-conditioned room.
Drink plenty of fluids, even if you don't feel thirsty.
Cool the skin.
Carefully plan sports activities.
Eat light, balanced meals
Give up alcohol.
Never leave children or pets in the car.
On very hot days, you should pay attention to your health and the condition of the people around you. If you or someone close to you suddenly feels sick, don't delay, seek medical help.
Source: Ministry of Health of Ukraine